Holiness Unto the Lord

Pentecostal City Mission Church



On behalf of our general overseer, Bishop Donald Maxwell


Pentecostal City Mission Church is a community of believers that will effectively communicate the gospel of Jesus Christ to all people holistically, irrespective of race, color, gender, and economic status. Upon conversion, they will grow in the faith and knowledge of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, with progressive productive social, educational and evangelistic outreach ministries tailored to embrace diversity and to enhance the building of the kingdom of God within all societies.

Also check our Pentecostal City Mission Bible Institute (PCMBI) if you are serious about taking your leadership, and Biblical understanding to the next level.

Our Goals

To establish a mission in every city.
To doctrinally and academically equip christian men and women for their respective ministries.
To uncompromisingly preach the infallible word of God, thereby bringing lost ones to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.
To equip leaders with the biblical knowledge and understanding of all spiritual gifts and their application and impartation individually and corporately.
To establish the kingdom of God on earth according to Matthew 28:18-20.
To preach the fourfold gospel – Salvation, Holiness, Divine Healing and the Second Coming of Christ – in its entirety.
To educate, nurture and strengthen all members through edification in the Word.
To plan and implement programs that will allow us to come together and worship Christ in unity, but also to utterly transform the community that we are planted in.

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Events & Special Services

Pentecostal City Mission Church Inc




Est. Kingston, JA 1924

August 11-18, 2024

january, 2025